Southern Hemisphere Seeds - About Us
contatct us

Contact SHS for more information about our cultivars, or contact one of our agents for sales. Agents are the link between the SHS and the Farmer. Farmers who are looking to buy soya bean seeds, butternut seeds or coriander seeds. These agents have the knowledge and expertise to advise on our products.

Experimental Farm

Call: 064 680 3789​

Gerhard Braak Street, Pyramid, Pretoria, 0120

Head Office

Call: 012 482 6600

510 Makou Street, Monument Park X2, Pretoria

Laeveld Agrochem

Southern Hemisphere Seeds

Partnerships & Associates

Southern Hemisphere Seeds (SHS) is proud to associate with the Russellstone Group – a privately owned investment house with a 17% BEE owned shareholding, investing in the agricultural and energy industry with representation in Africa, Argentina and Australia.

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